All details obtained from clients i.e. telephone numbers, email address, postal address, facsimile number, credit card number and bank account details, are for the purpose of the operations of Sandy Bottom Boat Charter.
These details are never sold, distributed or released to any other parties or bodies.
All payments are made prior to the vessel departing.
A deposit of $50 per person must be made on booking. In the event that the client cancels in the 7 days before the charter operates then the deposit is forfeited.
In the event that bad weather prevents the charter operating then the client can have a refund of the deposit or book again to another date.
Bookings made must be paid for i.e. if a booking is for 6 persons and only 5 arrive for the trip the full booking must be paid unless the space can be filled.
Recreational Fishing Licences
Clients do not need a Recreational Fishing Licence as these licences are paid for by Sandy Bottom Boat Charter.
Gift Vouchers
Any client possessing a Gift Voucher must present it at the time of boarding.
Refunds will be made at the discretion of the Skipper and will be determined on the circumstances.
It is permitted for a small amount of alcohol to be brought aboard for personal consumption – 6 cans per person is considered a small amount.
The Skipper reserves the right to refuse boarding to any person he believes is intoxicated prior to the commencement of the trip.